Welcome to Our Blog!

January 23, 2020

The purpose of this blog is to provide caregivers with education on childhood development concerns, straight from the experts! We hope you find each post informative and educational. Please check back as we grow our posts in the near future.

Alabama Pediatric Therapy Services: Who Are We?

When a parent/caregiver has concerns about their child’s motor develop development, speech-development, or academic progress, they often don’t know where to turn.

APTS, with two locations in Rainbow City and Oneonta, provides a variety of therapeutic services to children age birth through 21, who may be struggling with functional participation in one or various areas.  At APTS, you will find a child-friendly, non-clinical environment, where children thrive and succeed. Services include occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy.  APTS serves children with a variety of needs and functional levels.

Following an initial evaluation, the therapist will collaborate with caregivers to develop goals and objectives based on the family’s needs and priorities. Family involvement in therapy is very important, and the therapists’ at APTS will include and educate caregivers in order for them to carry over the strategies and techniques in the home environment to accelerate success.

The friendly office staff at APTS can assist you with any questions about scheduling, insurance, or the services available. Make sure to check out our social story on our website to prepare your child for their first appointment. If you have any concerns about your child’s development, please call our Rainbow City office at 256-459-5051 or our Oneonta office at 205-274-2244. We look forward to hearing from you!